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Alt 27 Mart 2017, 13:17   #1
Gelme, burası çok derin.
immortaL - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
Üyelik Tarihi: 07 Mayıs 2016
Üye No: 38
Şehir: Bolu
WebSite: IRCForumu.Net
İlgi Alanım: vBulletin
Mesaj Sayısı: 946
Aldığı Beğeni: 289
Beğendikleri: 380
DNSBL Proxy Koruma

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
menu menubar,channel { +> Proxy Koruma ..Aç:!if $group(#Proxys).status = on { echo 4 -tgae Proxy Korumasi Zaten AÇIK } | else { /.enable #Proxys | echo 4 -tgae Proxy Korumasi AÇILDI | set %proxys on } ..Kapat:!if $group(#Proxys).status = off { echo 4 -tgae Proxy Korumasi Zaten KAPALI } | else { /.disable #Proxys | echo 4 -tgae Proxy Korumasi KAPATILDI | set %proxys off } ..Durum < $replace($group(#Proxys).status, off, Kapali, on, Açik) >:. } #Proxys off alias tara { if ($1) { var %pro1 $rand(1,99999999) sockopen $+(pro5,%pro1,.,$2,.,$3) 80 sockmark $+(pro5,%pro1,.,$2,.,$3) $1 } } on *:sockopen:pro5*:{ sockwrite -n $sockname GET / $+ $sock($sockname).mark HTTP/1.1 sockwrite -n $sockname Host: sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.116 Safari/537.36 sockwrite -n $sockname Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8 sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf } on *:sockread:pro5*:{ var %xx [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] sockread %xx [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] if (*There have been listings for the host* iswm %xx [ $+ [ $sockname ] ]) { gzline $+(*@,$sock($sockname).mark) - 0,10 Proxy Banned  if !$window(@DBSL-tor) { window -neg1 @DBSL-tor } | echo @DBSL-tor ( IP ) $+(4 $chr(32),$sock($sockname).mark),$chr(32)) 1IP adresinden 4PROXY 1giriş tespit edilmiştir. halt } } on *:snotice:*Client connecting on port*:who +I $9 raw 352:*:{ tara $4 } #Proxys end

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
menu menubar,channel { +> Proxy Koruma ..Aç:!if $group(#Proxys).status = on { echo 4 -tgae Proxy Korumasi Zaten AÇIK } | else { /.enable #Proxys | echo 4 -tgae Proxy Korumasi AÇILDI | set %proxys on } ..Kapat:!if $group(#Proxys).status = off { echo 4 -tgae Proxy Korumasi Zaten KAPALI } | else { /.disable #Proxys | echo 4 -tgae Proxy Korumasi KAPATILDI | set %proxys off } ..Durum < $replace($group(#Proxys).status, off, Kapali, on, Açik) >:. } #Proxys off alias tara { if ($1) { var %pro1 $rand(1,99999999) sockopen $+(pro5,%pro1,.,$2,.,$3) 80 sockmark $+(pro5,%pro1,.,$2,.,$3) $1 } } on *:sockopen:pro5*:{ sockwrite -n $sockname GET / $+ $sock($sockname).mark HTTP/1.1 sockwrite -n $sockname Host: sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.116 Safari/537.36 sockwrite -n $sockname Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8 sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf } on *:sockread:pro5*:{ var %xx [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] sockread %xx [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] if (*There have been listings for the host* iswm %xx [ $+ [ $sockname ] ]) { gzline $+(*@,$sock($sockname).mark) - 0,10 Proxy Banned  if !$window(@DBSL-tor) { window -neg1 @DBSL-tor } | echo @DBSL-tor ( IP ) $+(4 $chr(32),$sock($sockname).mark),$chr(32)) 1IP adresinden 4PROXY 1giriş tespit edilmiştir. halt } } on *:snotice:*Client connecting on port*:who +I $9 raw 352:*:{ tara $4 } #Proxys end

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